Help for WTM CD Protector

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WTM CD Protect
WTM Register Maker



With this document I want to explain how to use WTM CD Protector. There are described some steps, which actually did not work for me. But I want, that you get the idea and basic use of WTM CD Protector. Because if you have the basics you hopefully find your own ways to use WTM CD Protector.

Tools you need:

The idea of WTM CD Protector:

First you burn some special modified files on a CD. The Image from this CD will be bearbeitet by WTM CD Protector, so that those modified files won't be readable after burning the image on CD. If someone wants to copy this CD he will get troubles when reading the protected files.
But all the other "normal" files will still be readable, so it is possible to copy only those files and burn them again. Because of this there is the possibility of adding the modified files to normal Files. The end (= added modified file) will not be readable after protecting. Ergo the file cannot be copied. Because the original files are modified by adding the protection, you have to be careful and allways test if the protected file still works like the original file (more later... see also FAQ).




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Audio-CDs can only be protected as a whole. Single songs can still be read and e.g. be converted to MP3s or burned to a new CD.
Do not try to protect the single songs with WTM CD Protector!

There are two ways to protect an Audio-CD:

Alternative 1: (recommended)
!!! No errors for me, but CD was not protected (maybe slower option in WTM CD Protector?) !

Alternative 2:
(did not work for me, because an error occured when burning the protected image. Maybe one of you can develop this alternative...)


Video-CDs can only be protected as a whole. Single videos can still be read and e.g. be converted to DivX or burned to a new CD.
Do not try to protect the single videos with WTM CD Protector!

There are two ways to protect an Video-CD:

Alternative 1: (recommended)
!!! No errors for me, but CD was not protected (maybe slower option in WTM CD Protector?) !

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Alternative 2: (nicht getestet!)

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions: :

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